Genre Conventions

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The term science fiction was popularized in the 1920s by the American publisher Hugo Gernsback. “The Hugo Awards, given annually since 1953 by the World Science Fiction Society, are named after him.” This awards were given to the best science fiction books, films, illustrators,  etc. Some common genre conventions of the science fiction genre are futuristic setting and technology, as well as many technical elements, such as high pitch sounds and visual spectacle. “This is usually to engage the audience in the environment in which the film or scene will take place.” Science fiction movies also tend to contain a lot of CGI effects in order to create a futuristic setting. The narrative tends to revolve around “binary opposition, the protagonist striving to stop and defeat the antagonist.” For example the dark side and the light side in film series Star Wars, both at a constant battle to maintain balance in the universe.

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Related imageUtopia and dystopia settings are also common elements of the science fiction genre. Utopias are the positive outlook on the future environment. Where as a dystopian future is a negative portrayal of the future. Most science fiction stories only fit into one of these categories. The Hunger Games (2012), for example, is set in a dystopian future. Metropolis (1927), however,  is one of the most famous utopian science fiction movies. It provides a more optimistic view of the future. There are also films that appear to be a utopia at first but have a darker background and can be considered a dystopia. For example, The Time Machine (1960) has a future in which two worlds foil each other. The above ground paradise and the evil Elio who live underground.

Image result for project almanacImage result for chronicleThe genre conventions and cliches of science fiction often intertwine. There are many cliches in science fiction films, such as the characters being non-human. It is common to think of science fiction movies being filled with aliens or robots. But there are many science fiction movies that don't contain either of these. For example The Minority Report (2002), Chronicle (2012), and Children of Men (2006). However many of these films do not gain as much mainstream popularity as their more cliche counterparts. Which these films can have amazing narratives, such as one of my personal favorites Super 8 (2011), but there is no denying that this film contains many science fiction troupes. Although this films setting takes place in 1979 it still contains many science fiction cliches such as investigating unexplained events that are correlated to aliens. Other common troupes can include, an exotic or unknown setting, the clear divide between good and evil, space, robots, time travel, alien invasions, and apocalypses. Just to name a few. For example, in Project Almanac (2015) a group of teens discover how to build a time machine which inevitably brings up many problematic situations. Although this is a cliche that teenageers have made an incredible discovery, the plot line is still very good. Addressing many issues with underlying themes. These more popular features of science fiction movies draw in many audiences because it allows them to escape from their daily life.

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  1. Your blog is excellent! The research is clear and you give wonderful examples throughout. I love all the pictures and gifs too!


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