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I’ve mentioned my driving intention for creating this film. How I would like my audience to feel and the undertones of serious issues that I would like to incorporate. I want my audience to be held in suspense and fear of the unknown. To wonder about what monsters lurk in the shadows of the dark. As well as incorporate some modern day issues that need to be addressed. The power dynamic in our country and how that will negatively affect our future. I want my film to be one of discovery and acceptance of individuals flaws. Not just a brainless science fiction movie with lazers, aliens and crazy explosion special effects.

Image result for black mirror and the twilight zone The Netflix show Black Mirror I've found very interesting to watch. It incorporates crazy ideas of dystopian futures and technologies into mind bending plotlines with amazing twists and turns. Each episode has a warning behind it that has be be interpreted by the viewer. I love this concept that the creators of this show were able to achieve. It has been compared to the iconic  The Twilight Zone. Sharing many similar elements, like the episodic story lines, plot twists, and use of futuristic technology.

Many science fiction movies are about how technology took over the world and is causing destruction. I want to go against that science fiction norm and have humans blamed for the destruction of themselves because they can no longer blame technology. In my film Blackout, technology is dead and only exists in the memories of the wealthy. The common people have returned to their animalistic nature, a kill or be killed mindset. They are called the Wanders, mostly made up of the lower classes. The wealthy families hide in their elaborate mansions, protected and isolated from all forms of danger and light. Perhaps hidden with their  dark intentions as well. Both groups of people see the other as the antagonist and it is up to the viewer to determine who the true villain is.

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