Production Companies

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I never knew that there were so many different production companies. There are both small and large companies to choose from. Deciding which one is best for my film has been a very hard decision. Mostly because there are so many options. Not to mention the film festival circuit that I've considered trying and just self producing my film. Then I have all creative control over my project and can sell the final product to a bigger distribution company, which is many of the production companies. The company will help pay for you film and also distribute it in order to have guaranteed profit.

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Some smaller production companies I looked at were, Skystorm, Ranger 7 films, and Supernova films. However while I was researching these companies I realized that they didn't have the resources available that I needed to produce my film. So I turned my focus to larger companies such as Universal studios, Lionsgate, and 20th century Fox. All of which have produced many successful science fiction movies. I thought about approaching Disney but I figured it was better not to. Seeing as how Disney has a tendency to make movies more lighthearted. That's not to say they are bad, I love Disney movies. It's just not the feeling or audience I'm looking to distribute to.

Image result for lionsgate gif In the end I settled on Lionsgate because they are very successful in the movie industry. They helped produce blockbuster movies such as Hunger Games, Divergent, and Nerve. All of these movies had very high budgets. But they made all of the money back plus profit. Lionsgate has excellent advertising and distribution policies to help make my film a success.

I'm currently working on the outline for my film pitch. Gathering all the information that I would like to present about my film. By friday I will have the video of my pich filmed, edited and posted. Wish me luck. I hope I don't fail.


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