Film Pitch Outline

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Production company: Lionsgate

Title of my film: Blackout

Basis synopsis: In a dark and divided world, two strangers become unlikely friends while on an adventure to discover the truth about the past. Both suffering from their parents social status and their actions, they discover dark secrets which reveal the hidden evil within themselves.
It is a post apocalyptic future where all signs of technology have died and the world is divided between the wealthy and the Wanders. It is a world ruled by fear and suspicion.

Why Lionsgate?: They have produced many blockbuster films that are similar to my genre, such as the Hunger Games, Divergent, Nerve, and now you see me 2. Which is not a science fiction movie but has many elements of suspense and mystery. My brand aleigns with the brand of Lionsgate, to produce quality films. Lionsgate is a large well known company and has enough resources to finance my film. It also tend to successfully produce science-fiction/horror/suspense movies.

Budget: Nerve was $19 Million. Hunger games was $78 million. Now you see me 2 was $90 million. Divergent was $85 million. They movies employed very popular actors with box office draw, which is one reason why the budget is very high. I would rather use undiscovered actors with talent so I wouldn't have to pay them as much. My budget would be about $50 million in order to pay the staff, locations and sets needed to create a new futuristic environment, costuming and makeup, CGI to be used when needed but not overused, and advertising. This way my film is introduced to audiences to interest them in seeing it, in order to gain back a profit.

Distribution: Lionsgate owns many television channels as well as the ability to distribute my film for a theatrical release. However the movie La La Land was produced by Lionsgate and also won awards at Sundance. So I wanted to put my film through the film festival circuit. I would also like to distribute my film to streaming companies such as Netflix and Hulu after its theatrical release and DVD release.


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