
Image result for black and white movie gif

Throughout this creative process there has been many trials and hardships, as well as many laughs. My sister helped me film it in my dining room. We had to stack books in order to set my phone at the right height. For some reason I couldn't remember my script and would constantly mess up if I wasn't looking at the computer. While I was editing my video for my film pitch I realized how many mistakes that I had made and thought it would be a good comedic break to make a montage of all of my fails. Not to mention all of the weird and random faces that I make while filming. During the editing process I had the app I was using crashed multiple times. Which made me feel so frustrated I almost cried. I lost all of my work and had to restart editing from square one. From then on, I now double and triple check that my video is saved. In addition to the frustration of editing, I also had to use a bad editing program that puts a nasty watermark on the video. I couldn't find anything better to use and was already over the due date, due to me being sick over the weekend. So I didn't have time to waste over what editing program to use. I’m very upset over that because I know with more time and better quality equipment I could of made a better video. For example, I am most familiar with imovie because it's what I have access to at school. But unfortunately, I can’t access it on my computer because its an HP. Overall, I wish that this mini project turned out better. But what is done is done; There is no point in staying stuck in the past wondering all the possibilities of what you could of done.

(Yes, I know, this is a really bad post but I have a million and one things to do in all of my other classes.)

         This is from my first filming of my film pitch that I ended up not posting because it was een worse than the one I have know. Please enjoy these epic fails of me being an akward human being. On the plus side we had a lot of fun filming. :)

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