Actors & Filming Locations

Image result for rapunzel disney For my film, it will only require at the most two actors. My sister, Sierra, will play the role of the girl. She has blonde hair so she alludes to the fiction character rapunzel, who inspired some of the character traits for the female lead. It also will make her contrast against the dark environment, which further adds the the innocence and isolation of her from the world. I was fortunate enough to know people that fit the role of my film that I'm able to work with. It cuts down on casting time, which I am thankful for because I only have about 5 weeks to complete my entire project. I'm still yet to decide if I want to cast another actor for the male lead, seeing as how he is only at the end of the film, showing only his boots. If I need someone I will just ask my boyfriend, Jimmy, to play the role. That way I won't have to go searching for an actor. But if he is not available during shooting times I will just have Sierra do a costume change into a pair of boots. This is so it appears to be a new character. In order to add to the mystery and suspense of the film I will never show the characters face. Instead I will use close ups to show only body parts and movement. This will also make the viewer feel more intimate with the character, placing audience into character’s situation.

Image result for walking on railroad tracks
horizon cloud sky sun sunrise sunset field sunlight morning dawn atmosphere dusk evening afterglow morning sky california sunrise red sky at morning
Location has been becoming an issue. I'm not sure where I’m going to film, and to be honest, I'll probably end up filming at my house. My location needs to be able to allow be to manipulate the light in the room in order to make the low key lighting. But I will also need some outside shooting locations that are isolated from modern society. This means no buildings, no power lines, and no cars. If any of these were to appear in the frame it would distract the viewer from the futuristic setting of my film. My back up plan is too shoot in an open field during sunset at a friends house. This will also double as my master shot. The other idea I had was to film at the railway tracks in order to have a tracing shot of the male leads boots, walking.

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