Film Pitch Video

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Currently, I’m sitting on my back porch eating a bowl of lucky charms cereal, unfortunately with almond milk. (because we are all out of regular milk) So here's the deal, I never got around to refilming my film pitch because I unexpectedly got sick over the weekend. I have one made but it’s so horribly done that there is no way that I’m posting it online for all the world to see my horrible failure. Instead, I took monday off from school in order to recover and and planning to film, as well as edit tomorrow. Tuesdays are my one free day where I don't have work after school. With that being said, down below is my final script for the film pitch to Lionsgate.

Hello producers of Lionsgate, my name is Kailin Hoy and today I'm going to share with you the film pitch of my newest story, Blackout, it is based off of a book that I wrote and now I would like to make a film adaptation.  the world went dark and the earth seemed to pause, holding its breath for a quiet second before erupting into mass chaos. Can love still exist in this broken and dangerous place? This film is a science fiction/mystery/and action movie, taking place in a post apocalyptic future where all signs of technology have vanished and the world becomes divided between the wealthy and the Wanders. It is a world ruled by fear and suspicion.The two main characters foil each other and fall in love despite their differences until a family betrayal is discovered and threatens to tear the two apart. The main protagonist of this film will be a strong female lead, who embodies feminine power, such as other female protagonists of your blockbuster movies such as hunger games and divergent.  I want my story to not only be a tale of love and loss, I also want this film to hold a warning about the danger of polarized societal classes and the discrimination that takes place between them solely because of what family you were born into. I propose a budget of about $30 million dollars in order to produce this breathtaking tale, that is sure to pull at the heartstrings of the audience and make a substantial amount of profit for the studio. You could help produce the next Hunger Games.  With my sincerest gratitude, thank you, and I look forward to working you with your amazing team to help bring this film to life.

Its short, sweet and to the point. Describing the plot line but not over doing it and boring the producers. I followed what many websites said while I was typing the script. Many of them said to leave it on a cliffhanger, to go bold and out on an edge. To not be too “grateful for the opportunity” because it can make a new film idea seem desperate.  If your film pitch appears desperate many companies will discard you idea. But it's important to not be rude, which is why I added the “thank you.” at the end. Confidence is key when it comes to sharing your ideas. If you don't have a lot of confidence, like me, its best to just fake it and pretend like you do. I really I hope I can get past this part of the project, all this research is starting to get boring and I want to start filming already.

Wihtout further ado, I present, my video.

(Sorry for staring at the computer, basically, the entire time, the bad ligting, and my voice. This video is a mess, I'm cringing, but it's all going to be okay.)


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