Mise en Scène

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Mise en scene is the overall look and feeling of a film. For my film, although it is a science fiction based film, it will incorporate many aspects of horror. Such as the suspense, low-key lighting, and minimalistic shots. This will envelop the audience into the world of the film, Blackout.

A challenge with my film is that a lot of it will be shot with low-key lighting. Which, I will admit in a little scared of because i've never filmed in the dark. It's going to be a great challenge for my film and i'm hoping that it works out. So that the vision in my head can come to life on screen. I want to shoot in this lighting because it will bring more depth to the shadows in the frame. Adding a feeling of mystery, dramatic and suspense. While also using people's fear of the dark to draw them in. I will attempt to use only one light source in order to create this effect.

  1. Set your ISO as low as your camera allows.
  2. Set your shutter speed to the fastest it will go with the triggers you are using. This will reduce a lot of the sunlight.
  3. Set up shot.
  4. Check to see if it's right.
  5. Start filming.
These are the easiest steps i found in order to shoot in low key lighting. I watched many videos on how to capture basic lighting techniques that hollywood films use. I will also use practical lighting from candles and other flickering lights. Who knew lighting could be so difficult?

Framing is also something I've considered. I want to use many close ups, never showing the characters faces. This will add to suspense. Each frame will only have one subject, making it minimalistic and intriguing to the viewer. Composition of my frame will follow the rule of thirds so the cinematography will still look professional.
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  1. Hi Kailin. I love how in-depth you went with this and I like the use of gifs. I hope you' find a way to combat how bright the sky is, which is notoriously hard to record, if that's what you're going for.


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