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         If there's one thing I hate in the world, it's finances. The little green paper that dictate our entire lives. But, without money, I won't be able to create a film. Although Blackout will be a low budget production I still need to find investors in order to produce my film to the audiences I want. As I mentioned previously, I want to premiere my film at film festivals such as Sundance. This way, the film can potentially win awards as an independent, indy science fiction film and gain popularity by critics. This way a larger company would want to help distribute my film to a wider audience. For example, Another earth (2011), had a low budget of an estimated $100,000. It was produced by 20th Century Fox, after premiering at Sundance 2011, winning the Special Jury Prize: U.S. Dramatic Award and the Alfred P. Sloan Prize. It then was released South by Southwest Film Festival, Boston Independent Film Festival, San Francisco Film Festival, Seattle International Film Festival, Los Angeles Film Festival, BAMcinemaFest, Switzerland Locarno Film Festival, France Deauville American Film Festival, Sweden Lund Fantastisk Film Festival, Greece Athens Film Festival, Russia Amfest 11 American Film Festival, Brazil Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival, Spain Sitges Film Festival, and Finland Night Visions Film Festival. All throughout 2011 Another earth was shown at various film festively around the world and released the film to other countries, allowing the film to gain popularity and then be released on DVD in 2012.
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Or another idea I had was to approach companies such as Netflix or Hulu for funding. Seeing as how my film will be produced independently, so I, as a director can have more creative control. Selling my film to a streaming company could be useful in reducing costs. Netflix, for example, can cover bypass the struggles of getting into theatres for mass exhibition. If I sell my movies rights to netflix they will help finance my help and I already have a guarantees outlet for an audience. But by selling my film I have the potential to lose all creative control over my project.

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(Also I'm not sure what film this is from, its Sundance winner of the horror genre)


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