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Around midnight, inspiration hit me like a bolt of lighting. I was laying in bed, with my eyes closed half asleep, when I came up with the opening lines to my title sequence. When inspiration calls, you answer. I scrambled out of my soft, warm blankets and searched around in my bookbag for a piece of loose leaf paper. I probably looked like a mad woman, crawling around in the dark searching for paper and a pen; A writers struggle. I kept repeating the lines in my head so I wouldn't forget them. I sat on the ground of my bathroom floor, hoping that the bathroom light would be less noticeable than the light in my room. So in the dead of night I scribbled down my thoughts onto a page. Hoping that it would be legible in the morning.

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A few months ago, I sketched out the first draft of a story board. The inspiration fairy had visited me previously. This time in the form of images and still frames. Even though is was months before I would even had to worry about my film, I decided to sketch down my idea anyways. From that first draft I have then been revising and tweaking it as I started selecting what sounds and fonts I wanted to use. So, without further ado, I present my film pitch.

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Blackout: In a dark and divided world, two strangers become unlikely friends while on an adventure to discover the truth about the past. Both suffering from their parents social status and actions they discover dark secrets which reveal the hidden evil from within.

I plan on marketing the film to smaller companies and premiering it at film festivals. Hopefully, to be picked up by a larger company in order to have mass distribution. Seeing as how many science fiction stories are based on books it is ideal that I have written the first chapters of the book Blackout. As well as outlined the entire plotline. Which will be helpful when transferring it over to a screenplay.


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