
As I’ve mentioned before, I get random ideas for plot lines at random times during the day, but most of the time late at night. Now that I’m in the pre-production stage of my film, I can finish refining my original storyboard that I drew. Which as you can see is very hard to read and understand, due to my messy late night handwriting and few second sketches. But that's okay, I know what I meant to draw and the idea that I was going for. And that's all that matters, because after all I’m the one who will have to interpret that mess. Now I plan to redraw my ideas before I shoot the project that way it will look nicer and be easier to get the shots I want. One problem that I'm still worried about is shooting in low-key lighting with only my phone camera. Last night I tried filming outside in the dark while I took my two dogs outside. The quality was really grainy and bad. So I'm going to try and contact a friend who has a really good Canon camera and I hope she will allow me to borrow it for a day of filming. My back up plan is to film in regular, natural lighting with a black backdrop, and then in post production adjust the contrast and exposure in order to get the look I want. Cross my fingers, and lets hope it works.

(Script First Draft)

(Storyboard First Draft)

The other option I have is to storyboard my film on, which is website that allows you a template to storyboard. I will most likely stay old fashioned and do it by hand because I can draw faster and have more options that the website. On the other hand, the concept of the website is very cool and convenient on late notice of storyboarding something quickly to show to other people. That way they can see what the final vision is and you don't have to spend hours drawing each frame by hand.


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