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        Its official, editing programs hate me. At school I took my flash drive with all 74 of my shots and uploaded them to iMovie. The program was pretty easy to get a hang of, and after a while I was starting to put together my shots into something semi decent. Then as the class was starting to get close to the end, I save the project to my flashdrive and log out. Just to double check I click the iMovie file on my flashdrive, and guess what, the file opened empty. All of my work was lost. Luckily, I hadn't gotten too far for the loss to be a devastating setback, it was just annoying. I don't have an apple computer at home so I don't have access to edit on iMovie except at school. I decided to switch to premiere pro. The premiere pro program is downloaded onto my main computer at home because my dad went to film school to get his degree in animation, so we have all of the adobe art programs. I grew up typing my school essays on photoshop because we never had microsoft word.

Image result for imovie Image result for premiere pro

At home, I imported all 74 of my shots onto my home computer premiere pro program. From there I went through each clip and named it, for example “trees 1” instead of the random letter and number combination that the video cip has. Unfortunately, the program on the computer is super slow, it would take forever to load, and it crashed on me once. Luckily I saved some of my work prior to the crash. It was my first time using premiere pro and all of the options were a little overwhelming at first. But all of the tools are pretty self explanatory and are sorted at the top. Trying to edit on a slow responding program is very time consuming and frustrating to do. I talked to my mom and we are going to call adobe when I get home from school today and try to download the program onto my computer for free, since we already purchased it. If i'm able to have it on my computer it will run faster because my computer is newer, and I would be able to work on my project at more places because a laptop is more portable than a computer desktop. It would be pretty difficult to carry and entire computer desktop and cpu box to panera to meet up with my friends to work on homework.

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