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Over the weekend my Mom, my sister Sierra, and I went over to my grandma’s house to meet my uncle who flew in from Colorado that morning. At that point, I had absolutely nothing filmed and it was stressing me out. When we arrived I remembered how overgrown and abandoned the outside of my grandma's house looked. My dad always said how he wanted to film a movie there because it is a perfect setting for a wilderness or forest. They setting at her house had the post apocalyptic vibe that I was going for, and it was convenient on short notice. The inside of her house was also filled with old nick nacks. For example, she had lace covering her windows which look very pretty when the light shined through them. She also has this old clock that looked very interesting. I did some last minute blocking with the environment I had and altered a few frames in my storyboard.

When I'm stressed that a project is not coming out to my standards I get very bossy with the people I'm working with, especially when they can't do what I them to. When my sister and I went out to film, I asked her to walk around barefoot in the grass and leaves. She walked in the most awkward manner you would think I was asking her to walk on fire. After a few takes I was about ready to give up because it was so frustrating, I got maybe two good shots of her walking.
Later that day, I went back outside to reshoot the scenes with my mom walking in the grass, once she took of her shoes we realized that she had tattoos on her legs which wouldn't work in my film. But she walked around my grandmas yard, filming the yellow shed that was falling apart, the overgrown trees, and the open field in the back. Her house has lots of mosquitos so we were constantly swatting bugs off of each other. We all drove home around 5:30 and I impatiently waited for sunset. It was the final scene I needed. While I waited I tried filming the flashlight flicker on the black sheet. Which, like everything else that day, did not go according to plan. I ended up ditching the sheet and propping my phone on the window, facing me, and shined the flashlight by my face, filming my eye. After a couple takes I felt as if I had gotten something kind of useful. Once it was 6 my mom and I took a walk out of the house and around my neighborhood to film sunset at the cow pasture. The sun did not want to couporate, the sunset that night had only faint colors of yellow. The one day I needed a colorful sunset was the one night that there was barely any sunset at all.

Throughout the entire day my phone didn't want to hold a charge so I was constantly at 5% battery, which was also very irritating. But 74 shots later, I felt like I at least had a starting point to beginning editing and I was no longer behind schedule.

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Whatever, I'll find a way to make it work.


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