The Strawberry Festival and Vlogs

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This past friday I went to the strawberry festival with my mom, sister and boyfriend to meet up with my aunt, uncle and my baby cousin. When my sister, my boyfriend and I were at the top of the ferris wheel, I was struck by the beauty of the fair. How the lights looked from up high and how you could see all of the people walking on the ground below you. When the sun was being to set, I pulled out my phone to take a photo of the sunset. Then I thought, I should try to take a video. From then on I tried to film what I could at the Strawberry Festival, it was interesting because everything was in low lighting, except for the lights of the booths where they sell overpriced foods.

It was very interesting experience filming an event while your trying to enjoy it at the same time. I was constantly looking through my phone to make sure the shot was right and forgot to just look at what was happening in front of me. I've never done a video diary before, or a vlog, so I guessed that this is what it was like. I think I enjoy being on the other side of the camera, being filmed, at times because there's less to worry about and you can just be yourself. When your the camera person you become part of the camera, in a way. You move steady as you can, you adjust you frame to how ever it looks best while you follow your subject. It's important to have steady hands and an idea of what your next shot is.You don't want to pan the camera to quickly and make the audience feel sick (unless that's the feeling your going for). So in a way, when you are filming a vlog at any unscripted event, the camera man acts as the director because they have all creative control about what is on screen and off screen.

Related image There is a season of American Horror Story called Roanoke and they filmed the season by breaking the fourth wall and showing the audience there was camera. I thought it was very interesting that they chose to do that because it makes the experience for personal for the viewer, and makes all of the event feel more real. It was actors playing actors who were on a television show recreating an event. I'm not going to film in that style but I do find it interesting and I enjoy watching movies in a vlog like style, as long as the camera is mostly steady so I don't feel sick.

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( I love the lettering and look of this title sequence. The neon lights has inspired me to do a similar idea.)


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