
Image result for exhibition gif

Image result for sundanceMy ideas for exhibition have been partly covered in my last post. In many cases for low budget films the producer also provides an outlet for distribution. Seeing as how I’m not aiming for world wide release, or even a wide release in theatres, I am not to concerned with trying to reach those audiences. Although it would be a dream to be able to reach that vast of an audience. It would help to spread the message of my film. But because I don't have the funds to approach a big studio to help produce or distribute my film I will have to build my way up. Entering and premiering my film in festivalI gain reviews for critics. Hopefully it will then gain enough popularity to reach a wider audience therefore generating more revenue. Or if I decide to take the path of streaming platforms I could arrange a contract to make revenue and have a guaranteed audience. But by selling my film to a streaming company also comes with many risks. I don't want to risk losing all of my creative control over my vision. This is why I chose to take the route of film festivals.

There are many awards a film can win at film festivals. Just at sundance alone there are at least 31 awards for films to win. Other forms of exhibition is DVD release, theatres, and television. However, in not looking to start my film at any other these platforms. Mostly because it is very expensive and I don't have those types of funds available. Hopefully, my film will be be able to win an award or at least gain popularity among viewers.

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(There is a lot of awards, I mean A LOT)

Many film with similar plotlines to mine fail in box office sales. Hopefully my plotline will be loved by the audience and the cinematography appreciated by the critics. My goal for this film is not to become famous, but rather share an important warning with the world. Revenue would be a nice bonus to this film though, especially to help payback all I've invested into it.

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